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The purpose of ME399 is for students to gain insight and practical knowledge on the subjects covered in ME200 and ME224 courses. Therefore, this internship must be done in an establishment with a comprehensive manufacturing department.

In Section 1 (Description of the Company) of the summer practice report, more emphasis must be placed on classification and description of the manufacturing techniques and machine tools in the establishment.

Section 3 (Work Undertaken) of the summer practice report must include production details of at least two sample parts, explained in separate sub-sections (e.g. 3.1 Part 1). A detailed explanation of every stage in production, from raw material to the finished parts, must be given. Technical drawings and cost analysis of the selected parts must be provided in the Appendix.

It is also encouraged that any additional work undertaken during the summer practice is detailed in Section 3 under separate sub-sections. The additional work can be in any department (e.g. R&D, design, manufacturing, analysis, maintenance, sales) as long as it is supervised by an engineer.


The purpose of ME499 is for students to familiarize with various types of work which they may encounter upon graduation. This internship can be done in an establishment that employs mechanical engineers and operate in any of the mechanical engineering fields.

In Section 1 (Description of the Company) of the summer practice report, more emphasis must be placed on the duties of individual departments (administrative and technical) as well as the interrelations between departments. When describing the core business of the company, an overview of its position in domestic and foreign markets must be provided.

Section 3 (Work Undertaken) of the summer practice report must include assessments of automation level in the establishment, quality assurance and control systems, and wastes and their effect on the environment. Cost analysis of at least one product or project must also be included.

It is also encouraged that any additional work undertaken during the summer practice is detailed in Section 3 under separate sub-sections. The additional work can be in any department (e.g. R&D, design, manufacturing, analysis, maintenance, sales) as long as it is supervised by an engineer.