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Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV): Current Applications in Experimental Fluid Dynamics - Dr. Gökhan Ergin

Dr. Gokhan Ergin seminar

Tarih:  Date

Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series 

“Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Technique: Current Applications in Experimental Fluid Mechanics” 

Abstract Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is now an established flow measurement technique for 37 years of operation in the field. Its ease of use and quantitative flow visualization nature makes it the current workhorse for many Experimental fluid mechanics investigations. PIV has many variations like StereoPIV, MicroPIV and TomoPIV and the seminar is designed as a “sampler plate”. In other words, it is aimed to give a taste of what is possible to measure nowadays with PIV and variations of it. The seminar includes numerous application examples from salt water applications to blood flow, and from large scale marine flows to microscale biological flows. The application examples will be provided from many engineering disciplines including: automotive, aerospace, mechanical, civil, biomedical, ocean, maritime, petroleum and chemical engineering. Each application example demonstrates relevant challenges and tricks to solve these challenges. Therefore the seminar may be useful for graduate students who are considering to use PIV or for those already using PIV for their research topic. Finally, the seminar does not include advanced mathematics or equations; therefore, undergraduate students are encouraged to participate.



Dr. Gökhan Ergin

Date: April  21, 2022 Thursday

Time: 14:00-15:50

Location: : TED University, D Block, DB20 Hall


Bio of the speaker:

Dr. Gökhan Ergin holds degrees in Mechanical engineering; a BS (2000) from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey & MS (2003)/PhD (2005) from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. After a brief post-doc and one-year employment in the US, he has worked for Dantec Dynamics headquarters in Copenhagen since 2006 in different positions and currently works as CTA and Microfluidics product manager. He is currently the head of the Dantec CTA and Microfluidics laboratory.

He designs and manages the development of electrical / optical measurement systems (such as hotwire probes and µPIV systems); and maintains several research collaborations with universities and research institutes. His research collaborations are focused on turbulence, two-phase flow microfluidics; micromixers, droplet based microfluidics, micro-drop irrigators, mobility of microorganisms, flow around marine animals and micro robots. These collaborations have produced numerous publications in international conferences and esteemed journals.

Dr. Ergin speaks 4 languages, is married, and has 3 children. His hobbies are sailing, wind surfing and skiing, all related with Experimental mechanics.